91 Cambridge Tce, Papatoetoe, Auckland, New Zealand, Tel: 09 278 1941 Email: nzkhmertrust@hotmail.com

                       Auckland Cambodian Youth & Recreation TrusT


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Cambodian Youth Program

Once a week (on selected days) during the evening for 2-3 hours, Cambodian youth meet to get assistance with their homework, learn a new skill or gain knowledge, and have an opportunity to learn traditional Khmer culture, dancing and language.

The group has been set up to provide a community based support-learning programmes to the youth within the Cambodian community living in Auckland, which will assist, enhance and encourage the young people to pursue their life goals.



The goals of the group are to:

• To provide English related skills to help with the students’ mainstream schoolwork, such as homework, further explanation of the work introduced in class at school
• To provide English language skills in aural, oral, written and writing that will help students with practical life skills.
• To provide opportunity to learn Khmer traditional folk dancing, arts and language


The group enables the students to feel more encouraged and confident in their schoolwork, achieving better grades in their school report.

Students become confident in their English communication with others in the community at large in their daily life, showing willingness to explore and participate in their local community’s activities.

Students are able perform traditional cultural dances or artwork to interested audiences.


Cultural dancing – for intermediate and high school youth
After school bilingual group - for primary and intermediate school age youth







After school bilingual class

Khmer cultural dancing

Khmer cultural dancing




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